First Call for Papers: 5th International Workshop on Pervasive Eye Tracking and Mobile Eye-Based Interaction (PETMEI 2015)

Where: September 7, 2015 in Osaka, Japan

in conjunction with the
2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2015)

Eye tracking technology is becoming increasingly available for mobile and pervasive settings. The availability of eye tracking beyond the desktop calls for new interaction concepts, novel applications, and an understanding of the broader implications of pervasive eye tracking on humans. PETMEI 2015 focuses on pervasive eye tracking as a trailblazer for mobile eye-based interaction. The goal of the workshop is to bring together members in the ubiquitous computing, context-aware computing, computer vision, machine learning and eye tracking community to exchange ideas and to discuss different techniques and applications for pervasive eye tracking.

PETMEI 2015 will be a one-day workshop featuring presentations, interactive demos, and group discussions. We solicit papers describing original research related to, or visionary of, pervasive eye tracking research addressing computational methods, new applications and use cases, as well as technology for pervasive eye tracking and mobile eye-based interaction.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

– Tools for face, eye, and pupil detection as well as tracking
– Devices for wearable and ambient eye tracking
– Eye tracking technologies on mobile devices
– Head-mounted or remote gaze estimation
– Gaze and eye movement analysis methods
– Fusion of gaze with other modalities
– Integration of pervasive eye tracking and context-aware computing
– User studies on pervasive eye tracking

– Pervasive eye-based interaction
– Mobile attentive user interfaces
– Eye-based activity and context recognition
– Security and privacy for pervasive eye-tracking systems
– Eye tracking for specialized application areas
– Cognition-aware systems and user interfaces
– Human factors in mobile eye-based interaction
– Eye tracking for pervasive displays
– Gaze-based interaction with outdoor spaces

Submission Guidelines

We accept submissions with a length of between 6 and 10 pages in the SIGCHI Extended Abstract format. Refer to the workshop website for Word and Latex templates ( In addition to research papers we explicitly invite submissions of position papers and papers that describe work-in-progress. Submissions will be peer-viewed by at least two members of the technical program committee with respect to novelty, significance, technical quality, and their potential to spark interesting discussions. Please note that all submissions must be anonymized for double-blind review.

Accepted papers will be published in the UbiComp 2015 supplemental proceedings and in the ACM Digital Library. At least one author for each accepted paper is required to attend the workshop and present the paper.

Submit your paper via EasyChair:
Important Dates
– June 5, 2015 Paper submission
– July 3, 2015 Notification of acceptance
– July 10, 2015 Camera-ready due
– September 7, 2015 Workshop

– Peter Kiefer, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
– Yanxia Zhang, Lancaster University, U.K.
– Andreas Bulling, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany


PhD Position: Gaze-Based Interaction with Urban Environments

At the ETH Zürich, the Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation is looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate for a research project at the Chair of Geoinformation Engineering, starting at the earliest possible date (1st of August, 2015 at the latest).

The main objective of the 3-year project Location-Aware Mobile Eye Tracking for Tourist Assistance, funded through an ETH Zurich Research Grant, is the investigation of novel gaze-based interaction methods for pedestrians in urban environments, with a focus on a tourist scenario. The project envisions mobile assistance systems that trigger information services based on a user’s gaze on 3D-objects in a real-world urban environment.

The ideal candidate must have an academic degree in Computer Science, Information Science, Geomatics or related fields, as well as a strong research interest in human-computer interaction. Knowledge of methods in machine learning, computer vision, inferential statistics, as well as strong programming skills (e.g., Java or C++) are required. Background or experience in eye tracking, virtual environments, geographic information science, or related topics is a significant plus. The candidate must have good communication skills in English (oral and writing), be team-oriented and willing to work in an international environment.

If you want to apply, please visit the website:

Call for Participation: BioEye 2015 Competition

Call for Participation:

BioEye 2015 – Competition on Biometrics via Eye Movements

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to announce that the Competition on Biometrics via Eye Movements (BioEye 2015) has been launched. The BioEye 2015 competition is organized as an attempt to advance the research field of eye movement biometrics, by giving an opportunity to scientists and researchers to use a large, high quality database of eye movements, recorded using different visual stimuli and with recordings conducted to allow testing for template aging effects.

You can visit competition webpage at:

Registrations are open and the development datasets are ready to download. You can start testing your approaches immediately! In the competition webpage you can find the description of the competition procedure and deadlines, and helpful resources regarding eye movement biometrics.

Prize: the winner of the competition will receive an eye tracker as a prize. Specific details about the model of the eye tracker and the vendor providing the prize will be announced at a later date.

The deadline for the submission of final results is: March 26, 2015.

BioEye 2015 is an official competition of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS 2015).

If you have any additional questions please contact us at:

Best regards,

The Organizing Committee of BioEye 2015



Call for Participation: PhD Course on Using Eye-tracking in Social Science Research Projects

Course Coordinator:

  • Associate Professor Dr. Martin Meißner, University of Southern Denmark, Department of Environmental and Business Economics, Esbjerg, Denmark


  • Associate Professor Dr. Martin Meißner, University of Southern Denmark, Department of Environmental and Business Economics, Esbjerg, Denmark.
  • Assistant Professor Dr. Jacob Orquin, Aarhus University, Department of Business Administration, Aarhus, Denmark.
  • Assistant Professor Dr. Jella Pfeiffer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Information Systems and Marketing, Karlsruhe, Germany.
  • Assistant Professor Dr. Thies Pfeiffer, Bielefeld University, Cognitive Interaction Technology Center of Excellence, Bielefeld, Germany.


  • Monday, September 14th to Friday, September 18th, 2015.


Much of the rapid growth of research on attention and especially eye-tracking has been driven by the fast technological development in recent years and a sharp decline in the costs of eye-tracking equipment. Remote, head-mounted, portable and mobile devices will now be used in many PhD projects because it is possible to generate larger samples of respondents in new (decision) environments.

Eye-tracking makes it possible to track and study attentional processes in great detail, classically in front of computer screens but also in mobile contexts, for example when using digital devices, like smartphones or smartglasses (Google glasses, EPSON Moverio) for studying purchasing behavior in retail stores.

The qualifications and skills obtained during master programs often hardly prepare students to conduct eye-tracking studies, to avoid potential pitfalls when using the eye-tracking equipment and to analyze the complex eye-tracking datasets. Especially in the beginning of a PhD project these challenges appear to be overwhelming.

PhD students completing the course will gain an overview of research in the field of bottom-up and top-down attentional process and search in decision-making. We will give an overview on latest developments in the field, including learning and contextual biases in decision sequences and the evaluation of decision theories. From a practical perspective PhD students will get insight in the process of setting up eye-tracking experiments, conducting a first empirical study on their own and analyzing an eye-tracking dataset. PhD students will have the opportunity to use remote eye-tracking devices together with their own laptops and use the provided software to analyze their datasets. Based on this experience, students will be able to critically reflect their experimental work and improve the planning of their own future experiments. Moreover, PhD students will learn about ways of analyzing eye-tracking data, for example using multi-level regression models.

Course Content:

The following topics will be part of the course:

  • Eye-tracking basics
  • Visual attention and search in decision making
  • Eye-tracking measures and their meaning (pupil dilation, fixation duration, eye blinks, saccadic distances)
  • Handling and management of eye-tracking data
  • Mobile eye-tracking equipment and annotation of fixations
  • OpenSource eye-tracking software
  • Alternative process-tracing techniques (Mouselab, Think aloud)
  • Analysis of eye-tracking data: An overview of different analytical approaches and examples for the use of more advanced (multi-level) methods
  • Hands-on experiment with portable eye-tracking equipment (SMI Smart Glasses): Setup of a small experiment using low-frequency, portable eye-trackers to record data, analysis of the dataset, presentation of first results in class.
  • Hands-on mobile eye-tracking equipment: Track a short sequence with the mobile equipment

Course Format:

The course has a lecture/discussion format and a hands-on experimental component. The interactive lectures will focus on the theoretical background of visual attention and search in the context of decision-making. In a hands-on practical exercise PhD students will setup a small eye-tracking experi-ment and use eye-tracking equipment to record eye movements. Students can then use the provided open source software for analyzing the data as well as other (open source) statistical software package of their choice. Finally, they will present their first results in class. The practical part can take place in a classroom. PhD Students will be able to use their own laptops in combination with a portable plug-in low frequency eye-tracking device. Moreover, we will also bring mobile eye-tracking equipment to the class so that PhD students will get familiar with new mobile eye-tracking technologies, existing open source software and the potential pitfalls of these new devices.

Learning Objectives:

After completing the course, PhD students will have:

  • an understanding of problems associated with conducting eye-tracking experiments using different sorts of equipment.
  • an understanding of the data generating process.
  • an ability to assess the prospects and limits of their own empirical research.
  • an ability to setup eye-tracking experiments on their own avoiding serious pitfalls related to the use of eye-tracking technology.
  • an understanding of the various ways in which eye-tracking data can be analyzed.
  • an understanding of state-of-the-art theories of attention and search.


This PhD course is targeted for PhD students from business (particular marketing), psychology, experimental economic research, information systems and other social sciences, who are planning or starting an empirical research project using eye-tracking or other process-tracing approaches. Basic knowledge (master level) in statistics as well as knowledge in statistic software packages like SPSS, SAS, Stata, R or other programs is desirable but is not a precondition.


Certificates of completion will be issued based on class attendance and participation, the submitted assignments, and an oral presentation.

Each student must submit a description (max. 2,500 words) of the (potential) eye-tracking or process-tracing part of his/her PhD project. The description should include: (1) a short introduction; (2) (preliminary) research question(s); (3) a detailed description of the data or data collection process; (4) a detailed description of the planned experiments; and (5) key references. During the PhD course each student will be asked to present: (a) a short description of his/her research project; (b) the relation of the PhD project to existing eye-tracking research, the theoretical background, and the chosen or planned experiments; (c) arguments why the proposed methodology to analyze the data is appropriate.

Teaching language: English
Fee: none


To apply to the course, please send an e-mail – no later than 21.08.2015 – to Martin Meißner (
Do you have questions about the course? Please contact Martin Meißner ( or Jella Pfeiffer (

Call for Papers: Eye Tracking South Africa (ETSA) 2015

T.R. Beelders posted this call for papers:

Eye Tracking South Africa (ETSA) 2015 Call for papers

The second International Eye Tracking South Africa Conference (ETSA) will be held in Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng, in South Africa from 7-9 October 2015. The conference will include poster sessions, presentations of short papers (3-4 pages) and full papers (8-10 pages). It will be organised around several tracks and sessions to accommodate delegates with various interests. Besides the academic presentations, we also welcome industry to present their products and services in non-academic workshops and demonstrations. In this context “industry” does not refer to manufacturers of eye trackers only but also to users thereof, for example market researchers, usability analysts, graphic designers, educators, radiographers, occupational and speech therapists, people with physical disabilities, cognitive psychologists, neurologists,
ophthalmologists, etc. We therefore invite the submission of case studies and proposals in these areas.

ETSA 2015 has been approved for in-cooperation with SIGCHI.

Key note speakers
Three distinguished keynote speakers will share their expertise and knowledge with us. Prof Juan Bornman, Prof Kenneth Holmqvist and Mr Michael Schießl will each be delivering a keynote address. Please see our website ( for more details.

Submissions: Academic
Authors are invited to submit original research papers related to eye movement and the application thereof. Conference tracks will include but are not limited to the following topics:
· Usability
· Visualisation
· Gaze interaction
· Reading research
· Eye Control for people with disabilities
· Visual attention
· Systems, tools and methods
· Eye movements
· Technical aspects of eye tracking e.g. pupil detection, calibration, mapping, event detection, data quality, etc.

Each paper will be anonymously reviewed by at least three reviewers. The program committee will consider the following criteria when evaluating submitted papers: originality of contribution, relevance to the conference, technical/scientific merit, and presentation and clarity.
Submissions: Special Interest/ Case Study Sessions for Practitioners and Industry
ETSA 2015 invites practitioners from any related discipline (Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Speech Therapy, Ophthalmology etc.) to present case study based sessions on their use of eye tracking with patients/clients. These need not represent formal research, and should be submitted in the format of a short paper under the Special Interest category. Submissions should describe the case study and the findings
which will be presented.
Additionally, industry is invited to submit in this category for consideration of non-academic workshops or demonstrations. These submissions should be in the form of a proposal for the envisaged workshop, detailing the contents of the workshop or demonstration and how it will be presented.
Please download the complete call for papers from
ETSA 2015 Organising Committee


Call for Papers: Workshop on Methodological Issues in Mobile Eye Tracking

Jacob Lund Orquin posted this call:

Call for Papers

Workshop on Methodological Issues in Mobile Eye Tracking

  • 18th of March 2015
  • Interacting Minds Centre, Aarhus University, Denmark

The use of mobile eye tracking is of great potential to behavioral research, but application is often hampered by methodological issues. This workshop addresses methodological challenges and recent developments in mobile eye tracking across disciplines to advance the use of mobile technology. Participation in the workshop is free.

Invited speakers:

  • Thies Pfeiffer (Bielefeld University)
  • Annika Wallin (Lund University)
  • Kerstin Gidlöf (Lund University)

Submission Procedure and Deadlines:

If you wish to present your research, please submit an abstract (max 500 words) to<> by February 20, 2015. We invite contributions on methodological issues in mobile eye tracking from any discipline. Authors will receive notification of acceptance by the end of February 2015.

Conference Fee: Free.


Marc Andersen (<>) and Jacob L. Orquin (<>)

Important Dates:

  • February 20, 2015: Deadline for abstract submission
  • End of February 2015: Notification of acceptance
  • March 4, 2015: Deadline for registration

Logistic Information:

The workshop will take place at the Interacting Minds Centre, Aarhus University, Denmark. Further logistical details can be found here at:


For any further information please contact us at<>.

Call for Papers: European Conference on Eye Movements 2015

Florian Goller posted this call for papers:

European Conference on Eye Movements 2015

Call for Abstracts

We are very pleased to announce this call for abstracts for the 18th European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM). As in previous years, we look forward to an exciting conference. As the largest conference on eye movements worldwide, ECEM aims to promote cooperation and communication between researchers and research fields, as well as to exchange information on the state-of-the-art of research, equipment, and software in the field of eye movements. Therefore, ECEM brings together basic as well as more applied researchers from different fields including neurophysiologists, psychologists, neuropsychologists, clinicians, linguists, computational and applied scientists, engineers and manufacturers that are interested in eye movements.

ECEM 2015 will be held from August 16 to 21, 2015 in Vienna, Austria. The conference chairs are Ulrich Ansorge, Thomas Ditye, Arnd Florack, and Helmut Leder from the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Vienna.

This year’s guest lectures will be given by Laurent Itti (University of Southern California, Los Angeles), Jukka Hyönä (University of Turku, Finland), Peter König (University of Osnabrück, Germany), Tirin Moore (Stanford University, CA), John K. Tsotsos (York University, Canada) and Robin Walker (Royal Holloway, UK).

ECEM 2015 offers the possibility to submit *symposia*, as well as individual *talks* and *posters*. Please read all instructions to ensure that your contribution can be considered for ECEM 2015.

The call for abstracts can also be downloaded here:

For further information and for the submission of your abstracts please visit the conference website:

Please feel free to distribute and forward this call to your colleagues and/or members of your institution/mailing-list.

We look forward to welcoming you to Vienna!


Please send any queries, open questions or organisational concerns to:

Call for Papers: 7th International KES Conference on INTELLIGENT DECISION TECHNOLOGIE

Call for Papers


Special Session
*Intelligent Methods for Eye Movement Data Processing and Analysis*

Sorrento, Bay of Naples, Italy 17-19 June 2015

The aim of the session is to summarize the current state of the art in the eye movement data analysis and enable prospective researchers to present their new ideas concerning this subject.

The scope of the session includes, but is not limited to:

– Collecting eye movement data
– Data precision and accuracy
– Calibration of eye movement data signal
– Events detection (fixations and saccades)
– Gaze-based user interfaces
– Eye movement modelling
– Data mining of eye movement signal
– Eye movement based identification
– Improving man machine interactions for people with disabilities
– Eye movement applications in testing interface usability
– Eye movement in security systems
– Eye movement in solving problems
– Usage of eye movement signal in cognitive processes
– Methods improving quality of eye movement signal
– Recognition of people’s intentions based on their eye movement

The conference proceedings will be published by Springer as book chapters in a volume of the KES Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies series, submitted for indexing in Scopus and Thomson-Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) and the Web of Science.

Important Dates:
Submission of papers: 12 January 2015
Notification of acceptance: 16 February 2015
Final versions: 2 March 2015
Conference: 17-19 June 2015

Email & Contact Details:
Paweł Kasprowski (
Katarzyna Harężlak (
Institute of Informatics, Silesian University of Technology, Poland

Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to your colleagues who might be interested in submitting contribution to the above mentioned event.

2nd Call for Papers: 4th International Workshop on Pervasive Eye Tracking and Mobile Eye-Based Interaction (PETMEI 2014)

Call for Papers

4th International Workshop on Pervasive Eye Tracking and Mobile Eye-Based Interaction (PETMEI 2014)
– in conjunction with UbiComp 2014

You are cordially invited to submit original work at the PETMEI 2014 Workshop. The workshop will be held in Seattle on September 13th, 2014.

Location: Seattle, United States
Date: September 13th, 2014

– Abstract Submission: June 3, 2014
– Paper Submission: June 10, 2014
– Notification of Acceptance: June 24, 2014
– Camera-ready due: July 1, 2014
– Workshop: September 13, 2014

Despite considerable advances over the last decades, previous work on eye tracking and eye-based human-computer interfaces mainly developed use of the eyes in traditional desktop settings. Latest developments in remote and headmounted eye tracking equipment and automated eye movement analysis point the way toward unobtrusive eye-based human-computer interfaces that will become pervasively usable in everyday life. With the growth of interest in smart glass devices and low-cost eye trackers, gaze-based techniques for mobile computing is becoming increasingly important in recent years. We call this new paradigm pervasive eye tracking – continuous eye monitoring and analysis 24/7.

The potential applications for the ability to track and analyse eye movements anywhere and any time call for new research to further develop and understand visual behaviour and eyebased interaction in daily life settings. PETMEI 2014 will focus on pervasive eye tracking as a trailblazer for mobile eye-based interaction and eye-based context-awareness. We provide a forum for researchers from human-computer interaction, context-aware computing, egocentric computer vision and eye tracking to discuss techniques and applications that go beyond classical eye tracking and stationary eye-based interaction. We want to stimulate and explore the creativity of these communities with respect to the implications, key research challenges, and new applications for pervasive eye tracking in ubiquitous computing. The long-term goal is to create a strong interdisciplinary research community linking these fields together and to establish the workshop as the premier forum for research on pervasive eye tracking.

Topics of interest cover computational methods, new applications and use cases, as well as eye tracking technology for pervasive eye tracking and mobile eye-based interaction. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

We invite participants to reflect on the specific characteristics of pervasive eye tracking systems and to contrast them with classical methods for eye tracking, eye movement analysis, eye-based interaction, and evaluation. We welcome contributions reporting on methodological advances on all components of mobile eye tracking systems, and the workshop will also cover latest technological advances in mobile eye tracking equipment.
– Eye tracking technologies for mobile devices
– Tools for face, eye detection and tracking
– Gaze and eye movement analysis methods
– Integration of pervasive eye tracking and context-aware computing
– Multi-modal sensor fusion
– User studies on pervasive eye tracking
– Devices for portable, wearable and ambient eye tracking

In addition to contributions reporting on methodological advances we also want to attract submissions that explore innovative applications of pervasive eye tracking and mobile eye-based interaction. We also want to particularly invite presentations on research on egocentric vision systems and gazerelated computer vision applications that can potentially extend the possibility of current mobile gaze interaction.
– Pervasive eye-based interaction
– Mobile attentive user interfaces
– Eye-based activity and context recognition
– Security and privacy for pervasive eye-tracking systems
– Eye tracking for specialized application areas
– Eye-based human-robot and human-agent interaction
– Cognition-aware systems and user interfaces
– Human factors in mobile eye-based interaction
– Egocentric computer-vision systems and applications

Prospective authors should submit papers with a length of 6-12 pages in the SIGCHI non-archival (Extended Abstracts) format. In addition to research papers we explicitly invite submissions of position papers and papers that describe preliminary results or work-in-progress. Manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. Accepted papers will be published in the UbiComp 2014 adjunct proceedings.

The format for submissions has changed, please use the SIGCHI Extended Abstracts template:
– Latex
– Word

Submission Website
Please visit our website for regular updates.

– Thies Pfeiffer, Center of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology, Bielefeld University, Germany
– Sophie Stellmach, Microsoft Corporation, USA
– Yusuke Sugano, The University of Tokyo, JP

PETMEI 2014 is supported by the following program committee members:
– Andreas Bulling, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, DE
– Andrew T. Duchowski, Clemson University, USA
– Alireza Fathi, Stanford University, USA
– Dan Witzner Hansen, IT University of Copenhagen, DK
– Kris M. Kitani, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
– Päivi Majaranta, University of Tampere, FI
– Lucas Paletta, Joanneum, AT
– Pernilla Qvarfordt, FX Palo Alto Laboratory, US
– Lech Swirski, University of Cambridge, UK
– Takumi Toyama, DFKI, DE

For further information, please visit our website or sent us an email:
– Official PETMEI 2014 E-Mail:
– PETMEI 2014 Website:

Best regards
Thies, Sophie and Yusuke

Call for Application: European Summer School on Eye Movements (ESSEM) 2014

This call came in over the EM_LIST:

This is the first call for the European Summer School on Eye Movements (ESSEM), funded by the Boehringer-Ingelheim-Stiftung and organised by Christoph Klein (Freiburg/Bangor) and Ulrich Ettinger (Bonn). ESSEM 2014 will be held at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the University of Freiburg, Germany, from 8th to 13th September 2014.

ESSEM brings together internationally renowned researchers to teach students in the theories, neural bases, experimental designs and statistical analysis of eye movements studies in basic science as well as applied settings. Please see below for a preliminary list of speakers.

We are pleased to now invite applications from students and researchers at the PhD/MD or early post-doctoral level. Financial support is available for participants’ travel and accommodation expenses. The course fee is €250 and includes catering (lunch, coffee) throughout the summer school.

Participants are expected to present a poster of a study they have carried out (not necessarily involving oculographic methods) on the first day of ESSEM.

To apply, please send a cover letter with brief personal statement on why you wish to attend ESSEM, your current CV and the abstract for your poster presentation to The deadline for applications is 31st May 2014.

For further information please visit or contact

With best wishes,

Christoph Klein & Ulrich Ettinger

Preliminary List of Speakers, ESSEM 2014:

Giuseppe Boccignone (Italy)
Ulrich Ettinger (Germany)
Tom Foulsham (UK)
Mark Greenlee (Germany)
Sam Hutton (UK)
Yukko Hyönä (Finland)
Alan Kingston (Canada)
Christoph Klein (Germany/UK)
Bruno Laeng (Norway)
Rebekka Lencer (Germany)
Susana Martinez-Conde (USA)
René Müri (Switzerland)
Nadine Petrovksy (Germany)
Pierre Pouget (France)
Nikolaos Smyrnis (Greece)
Werner Sommer (Germany)