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Submission: BioEye 2015 Competition

March 26, 2015
Call for Participation:
BioEye 2015 – Competition on Biometrics via Eye Movements
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to announce that the Competition on Biometrics via Eye Movements (BioEye 2015) has been launched. The BioEye 2015 competition is organized as an attempt to advance the research field of eye movement biometrics, by giving an opportunity to scientists and researchers to use a large, high quality database of eye movements, recorded using different visual stimuli and with recordings conducted to allow testing for template aging effects.
You can visit competition webpage at: www.bioeye.info
Registrations are open and the development datasets are ready to download. You can start testing your approaches immediately! In the competition webpage you can find the description of the competition procedure and deadlines, and helpful resources regarding eye movement biometrics.
Prize: the winner of the competition will receive an eye tracker as a prize. Specific details about the model of the eye tracker and the vendor providing the prize will be announced at a later date.
The deadline for the submission of final results is: March 26, 2015.
BioEye 2015 is an official competition of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS 2015).
If you have any additional questions please contact us at: bioeye2015@cs.txstate.edu
Best regards,
The Organizing Committee of BioEye 2015
Webpage: www.bioeye.info
Email: bioeye2015@cs.txstate.edu