Call for Papers: ETRA 2014

The call for the ETRA 2014 is out:


March 26th – 28th, 2014 Safety Harbor Resort & Spa Safety Harbor, FL,


The eighth ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA
2014) will be held in Safety Harbor, Florida, on March 26th-28th,
2014. The ETRA conference series focuses on eye movement research and
applications across a wide range of disciplines. The symposium
presents research that advances the state-of-the-art in these areas,
leading to new capabilities in gaze tracking systems, gaze aware
applications, gaze based interaction, eye movement data analysis, etc.
For ETRA 2014, we invite papers in all areas of eye tracking research
and applications.


20 Sept 2013: Paper abstracts due
4 Oct 2013: Full & short papers due
8 Nov 2013: Paper acceptance
29 Nov 2013: Paper revisions due
20 Dec 2013: Final paper acceptance due
6 Jan 2014: Doctoral Symposium submission due Video & Demo submission due
24 Jan 2014: Doctoral Symposium, video & demo acceptance due
31 Jan 2014: Camera ready papers due


*Eye Tracking Technology* Advances in eye tracking hardware, software
and algorithms such as: 2D and 3D eye tracking systems, calibration,
low cost eye tracking, natural light eye tracking, predictive models,

*Eye Tracking Data Analysis* Methods, procedures and analysis tools
for processing raw gaze data as well as fixations and gaze patterns.
Example topics are: scan path analysis, fixation detection algorithms,
and visualization techniques of gaze data.

*Visual Attention and Eye Movement Control* Applied and experimental
studies investigating visual attention and eye movements to gain
insight in eye movement control, cognition and attention, or for
design evaluation of visual stimuli. Examples are: usability and web
studies using eye tracking, and eye movement behavior in everyday
activities such as driving and reading.

*Eye Tracking Applications* Eye tracking as a human-computer input
method, either as a replacement to traditional input methods or as a
complement. Examples are: assistive technologies, gaze enhanced
interaction and interfaces, multimodal interaction, gaze in augmented
and mixed reality systems, gaze-contingent displays and gaze-based
biometric applications.


*Research papers:* Authors are invited to submit original work in the
formats of Full paper (8 pages) and Short paper (4 pages). The papers
will undergo a rigorous review process assessing the originality and
quality of the work as well as the relevance for eye tracking research
and applications. Papers presented at ETRA 2014 will be available in
the ACM digital library. Submission formats and instructions are
available at the conference web site.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The submission process is different from past years,
in that there is a single deadline for both long and short papers.
Given the outcome of the first review process, papers may be invited
to resubmit for an additional review. In some cases, full papers may
be offered to resubmit their paper as a short paper.

*Doctoral Symposium (NEW to ETRA 2014):* ETRA 2014 is proud to
introduce the ETRA Doctoral Symposium, where graduate students get an
opportunity to meet other students and experienced researchers to get
feedback on their research in a friendly environment. We invite
doctoral students, who have a defined topic in the area of eye
tracking research and applications, but whose work is still in a phase
where it can be influenced by the feedback received in the symposium.
Participants will be selected based on a 2-page extended abstract
describing the thesis work and its current status.

*Demo/video track(NEW to ETRA 2014):* Have a gaze interaction
technique to share? Or want to show off how your new you tracking
method works? At ETRA 2014, we are adding a demo/video session where
researchers give demonstrations of their research or show videos of
their work. To take part in this session, we request a 2-page extended
abstract to be submitted. If authors have a full or short paper
accepted, no extended abstract is needed. If submitting for a video
presentation, the video is required.


ETRA 2014 will be held at the historic Safety Harbor Resort and Spa in
Safety Harbor Florida, a resort hotel sitting on top of three natural
springs facing the Tampa Bay, located on the beautiful Florida Golf


ETRA 2014 is co-sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group in
Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI), and the ACM Special Interest
Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH).

CONFERENCE CO-CHAIRS Dan Witzner Hansen, IT University Denmark
Pernilla Qvarfordt, FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Inc.

PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS Joe Goldberg – Oracle, Inc. Jeffrey B. Mulligan –

DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM CO-CHAIRS Päivi Majaranta, Univesity of Tampere,
Finland Jeff B. Pelz, University of Rochester, USA

DEMO/VIDEO CHAIR Oleg Komogortsev, Texas State University, USA

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