Call for Proposals: ETRA 2021 Workshops

In conjunction with ETRA 2021 (virtual event)
Workshops: 25 May 2021 (tentative)
ETRA: 25-29 May 2021 (tentative)


We invite proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with ETRA 2021. The goal of the workshops is to provide a venue for presenting research on focused topics of interest and an informal forum to discuss research questions and challenges evolving around eye tracking research. It is the perfect opportunity for putting the best minds in the field together to build new communities, to explore new ideas, and to develop emerging topics.
We invite submissions of proposals for full-day (6 hours) and half-day (3 hours) workshops. Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by the workshop chairs.


16 December 2020: Proposals due
22 December 2020: Notifications sent
15 January 2021: Workshop page is online and linked


We encourage you to contact the chairs with your ideas. They will support you in preparing an exciting proposal. We encourage proposals for a wide range of workshops, including but not limited to:
“Mini-conferences” on specialized topics: such workshops may have their own paper submission and review processes.
“Practical” and “Panel-based” workshops around a specific problem or topic that may wish to ask participants to submit a position statement.
“Project centric” workshops that may be closely related to the scope of an existing large scale (e.g. NSF, EU, etc. funded) project.
“Mini-competitions”, like challenges or hackathons, around selected topics with individual or team participation.
Note that in particular organizers of mini-conference workshops are encouraged to think about alternative formats, in case they receive less submissions than expected (e.g., due to the current CoVID-19 situation). Examples include but are not limited to complementing paper presentations with a panel discussion, breakout groups, etc.
The organizers of accepted workshops are responsible for producing a call for participation and publicizing it, such as distributing the call to relevant newsgroups and electronic mailing lists, and especially to potential audiences from outside the ETRA conference community. Workshop and tutorial organizers will maintain their own website with information about the workshop and the ETRA 2021 web site will refer to this website. The workshop organizers will coordinate the paper solicitation, collection, and review process.


This year, ETRA will allow workshop contributions to be published in two different formats:
Short Paper Proceedings: Papers with up to 4 pages + any number of pages for references, going through one full review cycle
Adjunct Proceedings: Papers with up to 2 pages, going through a less competitive review cycle or juried process.
Workshop organizers may choose between both formats and should clearly indicate their preference in their proposal.


Workshop proposals should be maximum 4 pages long and follow the formatting instructions and template at
Please include the following information in the proposal:
Name and title:
A one-word acronym and a full title.
Description of workshop or tutorial topic:
This description should discuss the relevance of the suggested topic to ETRA and its interest for the ETRA 2021 audience. Include a brief discussion of why and for which audience the workshop is of particular interest.
Previous history (if applicable):
List of previous workshops that were held on the topic including the conferences that hosted past workshops and the number of participants.
Names, affiliations, emails, and web pages of the organizer(s). Provide a brief description of the background of the organiser(s). Strong proposals normally include organizers who bring differing perspectives on the topic and are actively connected to the communities of potential participants. Please indicate the primary contact person and the organizers who plan to attend the workshop. Also please provide a list of other workshops organized by workshop organizers in the past.
Workshop program committee (optional):
Names and affiliation of the members of the (tentative) workshop program committee that will evaluate the workshop submissions.
A statement saying how many participants you expect and how you plan to invite participants for the workshop or tutorial. If possible, include the names of people who have expressed interest to participate in the workshop or tutorial.
Workshop format:
A brief description of the format regarding the mix of events or activities, such as paper presentations, invited talks, panels, demonstrations, teaching activities, hands-on practical exercises, general discussion. Please also list here any material you will make available to participants, e.g. slides, access to hardware/software, handouts, etc.
Planned outcomes of the workshop:
What are you hoping to achieve by the end of the workshop? Please list here any planned publications or other outputs arising workshops.
Backup plan in cases of low number of submissions:
The ongoing pandemic situation is expected to have a significant impact on paper submissions, as it has become extremely difficult to conduct proper experiments. Please describe how you have considered this in your program or how you would react to a low number of submissions (e.g. by shortening the workshop, switching to different formats, etc.).
Full-day or half-day.


Workshop proposals should be submitted by the deadline via email to the workshop organizers:


Workshop Papers going into the Short Paper Proceedings need to undergo a full review process. The approximate timeline for this is as follows:
February, 20th, 2021 Workshop papers due
March, 15th, 2021 Notifications
March, 30th, 2021 Camera-ready deadline (hard deadline)
Workshop Paper going into the Adjunct Proceedings require a less rigorous / can be juried. The approximate timeline for this is as follows.
March, 8th, 2021 Workshop papers due
March, 15th, 2021 Notifications
March, 30th, 2021 Camera-ready deadline (hard deadline)


Florian Alt, Bundeswehr University Munich
Thies Pfeiffer, Hochschule Emden/Leer

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