2nd Call for Papers: 1st International Workshop on Solutions for Automatic Gaze Data Analysis (CITEC/Bielefeld University)

uniting academics and industry.

24-26 October 2013 Bielefeld University, Germany
Workshop Website: http://saga.eyemovementresearch.com/

The SAGA 2013 workshop is accepting abstracts for two calls: Challenge Contributions as well as Oral Presentation or Posters.
We are currently pursuing possible options for publication of a special issue in a journal or as an edited volume.

Important Dates:

1. Oral presentation / poster call:

August, 23, 2013: Deadline for abstract submissions.
September, 6, 2013: Notification of acceptance for talks and posters.

2. Challenge:

August, 23, 2013: Deadline for 2-page preliminary abstract sketching your approach.
September, 6, 2013: Notification of acceptance for challenge.
October, 2, 2013: Submission of the final abstracts and final results.

October, 24-26, 2013: Workshop takes place at Bielefeld University, Germany.

Invited keynote speakers from academia and industry:

Marc Pomplun, UMASS Boston, United States of America
Ben Tatler, University of Dundee, Scotland
Michael Schiessl, Managing Director of EyeSquare (User & Brand Research) in Berlin, Germany
Andreas Enslin, Head of Miele Design Centre in Gütersloh, Germany
Ellen Schack, v. Bodelschwinghian Foundations of Bethel in Bielefeld, Germany

We are very pleased to publish this second call for challenge contributions and abstracts for SAGA 2013, the 1st International Workshop on Automatic Annotation of Gaze Videos. SAGA 2013 will focus on automatic solutions for the automatic annotation of gaze videos and research work on eye movement analysis in natural environments as a trailblazer for mobile eye-based interaction and eye-based context-awareness.

We are providing a forum for researchers from human-computer interaction, context-aware computing, robotics, computer vision and image processing, psychology, sport science, eye tracking and industry to discuss techniques and applications that go beyond classical eye tracking and stationary eye-based interaction.

We want to stimulate and explore the creativity of these communities with respect to the implications, key research challenges, new techniques and application areas. The long-term goal is to create a strong interdisciplinary research community linking these fields together and to establish the workshop as the premier forum for research on automatic annotation of gaze videos.


Abstracts will be peer-viewed by at least two members of an international program committee. Word and LaTex templates for the submissions are now available on the workshop website and the registration is open.

1. Oral presentation / poster call: #

We are calling for 500-word abstracts on topics related to real-world eye tracking and eye movement analyses. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, eye tracking in human-machine interaction, visual search, language processing, eye-hand coordination, marketing, automatized tasks, and decision making.

Please note: All accepted contributions must register for the workshop.

2. Challenge: #

In order to drive research on software solutions for the automatic annotation of gaze videos we offer a special challenge on this topic. The purpose of the challenge is to encourage the community to work on a set of specific software solutions and research questions and to continuously improve on earlier results obtained for these problems over the years.

We are providing a set of test videos on the workshop website (duration 2-3 minutes) and separate text files with the corresponding gaze data for which solutions for semi- and fully-automatic software solutions for the recognition and tracking of objects over the whole video sequence shall be written. The software should provide the coordinates for the tracked objects and use this information to automatically calculate object specific gaze data, such as number of fixations and cumulative fixation durations. There are no restrictions on the way in which the relevant objects are marked and on which kind of techniques can be used to track the objects.

The only constraint is that your software solution can read and process the provided videos and reports gaze specific data for the selected objects either as a text file (which can serve as input for a statistical program such as SPSS, Matlab, R oder MS Excel) or by providing some kind of visualization.

Detailed information on the participation and a description of all necessary steps can be found on the workshop website (see: http://saga.eyemovementresearch.com/challenge/howto-participate-in-the-challenge/). Additionally, you can now find an explanation of the manual annotation procedures which we will be used to evaluate the submitted software solutions for the challenge(http://saga.eyemovementresearch.com/challenge/videomaterial/).

In order to access this page, you first must register for the challenge (see: http://saga.eyemovementresearch.com/challenge/register-for-the-saga-challenge/).

All submissions will be evaluated by an independent jury according to the evaluation criteria (see Workshop Website). Additionally, there is a live session scheduled for the third day in which all selected solutions can be demonstrated to the interested workshop participants. The three best solutions will receive an award.

Prize money:

1. Price: 1,000,- €
2. Price: 500,- €
3. Price: 250,- €

We would like to thank our premium sponsor SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI) for the contribution of prize money and test videos recorded with SMI’s mobile eye tracking glasses (www.eyetracking-glasses.com).

We would also like to thank our sponsor Tobii Technologies for supporting the live demo workshop session and for the provided Tobii Glasses (http://www.tobii.com/en/eye-tracking-research/global/products/hardware/tobii-glasses-eye-tracker/) test videos.

Please Note: All challenge participants must register separately at http://saga.eyemovementresearch.com/challenge/register-for-the-saga-challenge/ for access to the challenge material and the video download.

SAGA 2013 Workshop Organising Committee:

Workshop Organisers: Kai Essig, Thies Pfeiffer, Pia Knoeferle, Helge Ritter, Thomas Schack and Werner Schneider. All from Bielefeld University, Germany
Scientific Board: Thomas Schack, Helge Ritter and Werner Schneider
Jury of the Challenge: Kai Essig, Thies Pfeiffer, Pia Knoeferle and Denis Williams (Sensomotoric Instruments, SMI).

Please visit the website periodically for updates (http://saga.eyemovementresearch.com/about-saga/)
For additional question, please contact: saga@eyemovementresearch.com

We look forward to receiving your submissions and to welcoming you to Bielefeld in October, 2013!

Call for Papers: The 6th Workshop on Eye Gaze in Intelligent Human Machine Interaction

Roman Bednarik posted the following call for papers on the Eye-Movement mailing list:

Call for Papers:

The 6th Workshop on Eye Gaze in Intelligent Human Machine Interaction
at ACM ICMI 2013, Sydney, Australia

December 13, 2013
Papers deadline: August 31, 2013
www: http://cs.uef.fi/gazein2013

Invited speaker: Julien Epps – University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

Eye gaze is one of the most important aspects in understanding and modeling human-human communication, and it has great potential also in improving human-machine and robot interaction. In human face-to-face communication, eye gaze plays an important role in floor and turn management, grounding, and engagement in conversation. In human-computer interaction research, social gaze, gaze directed at an interaction partner, has been a subject of increased attention.

This is the sixth workshop in Eye Gaze in Intelligent Human Machine Interaction, and in the past we have discussed a wide range of issues for eye gaze relevant to multimodal interaction; technologies for sensing human attentional behaviors, roles of attentional behaviors as social gaze in human-human and human-machine/robot interaction, attentional behaviors in problem-solving and task-performing, gaze-based intelligent user interfaces, and evaluation of gaze-based UI. In addition to these topics, this workshop will focus on eye gaze in multimodal communication, interpretation and generation. Since eye gaze is one of the primary communication modalities, gaze information can be combined with other modalities to compensate meanings of utterances or to serve as a stand-alone communication signal.

GazeIn’13 aims to continue in these lines and explore the growing area of gaze in intelligent interaction research by bringing together researchers from domains of human sensing, multimodal processing, humanoid interfaces, intelligent user interfaces, and communication science. We will exchange ideas to develop and improve methodologies for this research area with the long-term goal of establishing a strong interdisciplinary research community in “attention aware interactive systems”.

This workshop solicits papers that address the following topics (but not limited to):

• Technologies and methods for sensing and interpretation of gaze and human attentional behaviors
• Eye gaze in multimodal generation and behavior production in conversational humanoids
• Empirical studies of attentional behaviors
• New directions for gaze in Multimodal interaction
• Evaluation and design issues for using eye gaze in multimodal interfaces

Please see the online CfP for a full list of topics (http://cs.uef.fi/gazein2013/call-for-papers)

There are two categories of paper submissions.
Long paper: The maximum length is 6 pages.
Short paper: The maximum length is 3 pages.

At least three members of the program committee will review each submission. The accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings. Best papers will be selected for an inclusion to a special issue in a journal. Submitted papers should conform to the ACM publication format. For templates and examples follow the link: http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html

Please submit your papers using https://precisionconference.com/~icmi13j

Paper submission due: August 31, 2013
Notification of acceptance: September 20, 2013
Camera-ready due: October 10, 2013
Workshop date: December 13, 2013

Roman Bednarik – University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Hung-Hsuan Huang – Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Kristiina Jokinen – University of Helsinki, Finland
Yukiko Nakano – Seikei University, Japan

Roman Bednarik http://cs.uef.fi/~rbednari
School of Computing, University of Eastern Finland

Call for Papers: 1st International Workshop on Solutions for Automatic Gaze Data Analysis (CITEC/Bielefeld University)

1. Call for papers and challenge contributions:

SAGA 2013:
– uniting academics and industry.

24-26 October 2013 Bielefeld University, Germany
Cognitive Interaction Technology Center of Excellence Workshop Website:

The SAGA 2013 workshop is accepting abstracts for two calls: Challenge
Contributions as well as Oral Presentation or Posters. We are currently
pursuing possible options for publication of a special issue in a
journal or as an edited volume.


Important Dates:

1. Oral presentation / poster call:

August, 15, 2013: Deadline for abstract submissions.
September, 2, 2013: Notification of acceptance for talks and posters.

2. Challenge:

August, 15, 2013: Deadline for 2-page abstract sketching your approach.
September, 2, 2013: Notification of acceptance for challenge.
October, 2, 2013: Submission of the final abstracts and final results.

October, 24-26, 2013: Workshop takes place at Bielefeld University,


Invited keynote speakers from academia and industry:

– Marc Pomplun, UMASS Boston, United States of America
– Ben Tatler, University of Dundee, Scotland
– Michael Schiessl, Managing Director of EyeSquare in Berlin, Germany
– Andreas Enslin, Head of Miele Design Centre in Gütersloh, Germany
– Ellen Schack, v. Bodelschwinghian Foundations of Bethel in Bielefeld,


We are very pleased to publish this call for challenge contributions and abstracts for SAGA 2013, the 1st International Workshop on Automatic Annotation of Gaze Videos. SAGA 2013 will focus on automatic solutions for gaze videos as a trailblazer for mobile eye-based interaction and eye-based context-awareness. We are providing a forum for researchers from human-computer interaction, context- aware computing, robotics, computer vision and image processing, psychology, sport science, eye tracking and industry to discuss techniques and applications that go beyond classical eye tracking and stationary eye-based interaction. We want to stimulate and explore the creativity of these communities with respect to the implications, key research challenges, new techniques and application areas. The long-term goal is to create a strong interdisciplinary research community linking these fields together and to establish the workshop as the premier forum for research on automatic annotation of gaze videos.



In order to drive research on software solutions for the automatic annotation of gaze videos we offer a special challenge on this topic. The purpose of the challenge is to encourage the community to work on a set of specific software solutions and research questions and to continuously improve on earlier results obtained for these problems over the years. This will hopefully not only push the field as a whole and increase the impact of work published in it, but also contribute open source hardware, methods and gaze data analysis software back to the community. We are providing a set of test videos on the workshop website for which solutions should be written. All submissions will be evaluated by an independent jury according to the evaluation criteria (see below). Additionally, there is a live session scheduled for the third day in which all selected solutions can be demonstrated to the interested workshop participants. The three best solutions will receive an award.

Prize money:

1. Price: 1,000,- €
2. Price: 500,- €
3. Price: 250,- €

We would like to thank our premium sponsor SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI) for the contribution of the prize money.

The SAGA challenge features test videos recorded with different devices from

  • SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI) [SMI EyeTracking Glasses]
  • Tobii Technologies [Tobii Glasses]
  • Applied Science Laboratories (ASL) / Engineering Systems Technologies (EST) [ASL Mobile Eye-XG]



Abstracts will be peer-viewed by at least two members of an international program committee. We will provide templates on the workshop website.

# 1. Oral presentation / poster call:

We are calling for 500-word abstracts on topics related to real-world eye tracking and eye movement analyses. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, eye tracking in human-machine interaction, visual search, language processing, eye-hand coordination, marketing, automatized tasks, and decision making.

Please note: All accepted contributions must register for the workshop.

# 2. Challenge:

We will provide test videos (duration 2-3 minutes) and separate text files with the corresponding gaze data on the workshop website. The gaze data consists of a timestamped list of (x,y) gaze scene video coordinates. For selected videos, frame counter information will be also available to assist with synchronization of the video and the gaze data. For the challenge we are looking for semi- and fully-automatic software
solutions for the recognition and tracking of objects over the whole video sequence. The software should provide the coordinates for the tracked objects and use this information to automatically calculate object specific gaze data, such as number of fixations and cumulative fixation durations. There are no restrictions on the way in which the relevant objects are marked and on which kind of techniques can be used to track the objects. The only constraint is that your software solution can read and process the provided videos and reports gaze specific data for the selected objects either as a text file (which can serve as input for a statistical program such as SPSS, Matlab, R oder MS Excel) or by
providing some kind of visualization. In order to allow for more time for the implementation process for the challenge a two-step submission procedure has been devised. The decision for acceptance to the challenge will be on a preliminary submitted abstract. The final evaluation and ranking of the software solutions will be based on the final abstract and the final results for a test-set of videos, including such similar to those on the website:

a) Preliminary submissions should consist of a 2 page abstract describing the implementation details of your proposed software solution including the following:

  • description of the underlying techniques and implementations
  • description of object selection and tracking processes

b) Finals submissions shall extend the preliminary submission to a 3page paper by adding the following details:

  • number of fixations and cumulative fixation duration details for the specified objects
  • performance data (such as computation time, number of selected objects, parallel tracking of several objects in the scene)
  • snapshot of the results

We will use results based on manual annotation to evaluate the submitted results. The following evaluation criteria will be applied:

  • quality of the automated benchmark results (region and pixel based) compared to the results given by manual annotation
  • conceptual innovation
  • performance (such as computation time, number of selected objects, parallel tracking of several objects in the scene)
  • robustness (such as such as tracking performance, general scope of the application)
  • usability

The test videos and a corresponding description of them can be found on the workshop website. Additionally, you can find a detailed description of how we perform the manual annotation. The exact description for the challenge, including the evaluation criteria and the required format for the results, will appear on the workshop website within the next 3 weeks. Please check the website regularly for updates.

Please Note: All challenge participants must register separately for access to the challenge material and the video download.



The SAGA 2013 workshop will be held at the new CITEC Research Building Interactive Intelligent Systems, which is located close to the main building of Bielefeld University. The construction of the research building ‘Interactive Intelligent Systems’ started in January 2011 and the completion will be in summer 2013. By end of the year, the research building will host 17 research groups from various disciplines such as informatics, engineering, linguistics, psychology, and sports science. It will be completed by a conference center built to accommodate up to 200 participants that has been planned as an internationally visible hallmark of this highly profiled research site (taken from: https://www.cit-ec.de/FBIIS).

Bielefeld University was founded in 1969 with an explicit research assignment and a mission to provide high-quality research-oriented teaching. Today it encompasses 13 faculties covering a broad spectrum of disciplines in the humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, and technology. With about 18,500 students in 80 degree courses and 2,600 staff (including approx. 1,480 academic staff), it is one of Germany’s best known medium-sized universities.

Bielefeld, the centre for science, is the economic and cultural capital of the East Westphalia economic area. The city of Bielefeld is one of the twenty largest cities in Germany, with a population of 325,000. This lively university city on the edge of the Teutoburg forest is the region’s cultural and intellectual hub. East Westphalia-Lippe is
Germany’s fifth-largest economic area and the region is home to two million people (taken from: http://www.campus-bielefeld.de/en/city-of-bielefeld/)


We would like to thank our commercial sponsors:

Premium Sponsors



SAGA 2013 Workshop Organising Committee:

Workshop Organisers:

  • Kai Essig
  • Thies Pfeiffer
  • Pia Knoeferle
  • Helge Ritter
  • Thomas Schack
  • Werner Schneider

All from the Cognitive Interaction Technology Center of Excellence at Bielefeld University

Scientific Board:

  • Thomas Schack
  • Helge Ritter
  • Werner Schneider

Jury of the Challenge:

  • Kai Essig
  • Thies Pfeiffer
  • Pia Knoeferle
  • Denis Williams (Sensomotoric Instruments, SMI)

Please visit the website periodically for updates:

For additional question, please contact: saga@eyemovementresearch.com

We look forward to receiving your submissions and to welcoming you to
Bielefeld in October, 2013!

On behalf of the workshop organisers
Thies Pfeiffer

ETRA 2012 is up and around the corner

This is exciting. The biennial Eye Tracking Research & Applications conference 2012 is approaching. Starting on March 28th, the ETRA 2012 is hosted at Santa Barbara, California, USA.

Chance brought it about that March will see me twice in California. First, there will be the IEEE Virtual Reality 2012, 3D User Interfaces and i3D conferences in Orange County starting from March 4th. Then I will soon return at the end of March for the ETRA 2012.

Sophie Stellmach and Kai Essig, two colleagues from Germany, will be there, too. And many others I still need to get to know.

Hope to see you as well,



2nd Call for Papers: EyeTrack Australia Conference 2012

Matt Eliot posted the 2nd Call for Papers on the Eye Movement Mailing List:

ETA2012: Inaugural EyeTrack Australia Conference
ETA2012 Symposium on EEG and Eye Movement Co-Registration

  • May 31st – June 1st 2012
  • CQUniversity Australia
  • Noosaville, QLD, Australia
  • www.cqu.edu.au/eyetrackaustralia


EyeTrack Australia 2012 is the first Australasian conference devoted exclusively to cross-disciplinary eye movement research. By bringing together leading researchers from academia and industry, this conference will support collaboration and knowledge building both within the Australasian eye-tracking sector and the larger global community. The conference committee is pleased to announce that a number of national and international scholars using eye-tracking and user experience methodologies will present cutting edge keynote presentations.

Important Dates 2012

  • 1 March: Full Papers and Short Papers due
  • 1 March: Registration opens on conference website
  • 2 April: Notification of acceptance and feedback to authors
  • 30 May: Preconference Training with Objective Digital (Tobii)
  • 31 May: ETA2012
  • 1 June: ETA2012

Conference Theme

Innovation, Collaboration, and Application. Eye movement research is conducted in a variety of contexts, creating opportunities for cooperation and collaboration between scholars and researchers across disciplines and institutions. This mixture of methodologies, backgrounds, and technologies can create a strong potential for true innovation, true collaboration and quality application. Publications from this conference, and the conference itself, will serve as the initiator for an Australasia-wide network.

General Areas of Interest

  • Cooperation and Collaboration. Lessons learned in conducting eye movement research across multiple institutions, settings, and disciplines.
  • Technological Advances. Innovative uses of existing technology as well as pioneering implementation of new technology in a range of research contexts and disciplines.
  • Eye Tracking Methodologies, Methods, and Applications. Reports of research projects from a range of disciplines.
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation. Key challenges and important discoveries in moving from raw data to findings.
  • Building and Maintaining Research Trajectories. Challenges and opportunities related to situating individual research efforts in a larger research context.

ETA2012 Symposium on EEG and Eye Movement Co-Registration

Significant progress has been made in overcoming many of the technical obstacles to simultaneously gathering brain-electrical (EEG) and eye movement (EM) data under free-viewing conditions. Much of the innovation has taken place in the reading area. Traditionally, EEG studies of reading have employed a rather restrictive paradigm in which words are presented serially in the same location on a screen and the reader is encouraged not to move their eyes. More recently, several research groups have managed to extract reliable event-related potentials time-locked to fixations in EEG-EM paradigms involving natural reading.

The aim of this symposium, part of the inaugural Australian eye tracking conference (ETA2012) organised by CQUniversity Australia, is to bring together researchers in the region who are working on EEG-EM co-registration. Submission topics are not restricted to the area of reading. The symposium will have as a guest speaker, Reinhold Kliegl from the University of Potsdam, who has worked extensively in reading research including EEG-EM co-registration. Additional contributions are now invited from other researchers working in the co-registration field.

This symposium is being chaired by Ronan Reilly, MARCS Auditory Laboratories, University of Western Sydney and Peter de Lissa, Centre for Cognitive Science, Macquarie
University. Dr. Reilly can be reached at: r.reilly@uws.edu.au.

The submission deadline is March 1st, 2012 and guidelines can be found at http://www.cqu.edu.au/eyetrackaustralia. Contributors should indicate on their submission that it is for the EEG-EM symposium.

Pre-Conference Training

On May 30th, the day preceding the conference, conference attendees are invited to attend a separate training event with Objective Digital and an eye tracking expert from Tobii in Sweden. This will be an opportunity to further develop your knowledge and skills in the use of these technologies.


Authors are invited to submit original contributions in the Full Paper format (up to 12 pages) and Short Paper format (up to 4 pages). All papers will undergo a peer review process which will assess originality, quality, and relevance to eye movement research. Submission formats and instructions are available on the conference web site. All papers should be submitted using the conference format template and sent to: eyetrackaustralia@cqu.edu.au

Conference Venue

ETA 2012 will be held at the CQUniversity Australia campus in Noosaville, Queensland, on Australia’s Sunshine Coast.


This conference is co-sponsored by CQUniversity Australia and Objective Eye Tracking, which offers Tobiiproducts throughout Australasia.

Conference Website
